Monday, November 25, 2013

Sex Education

        Today is the last group presentation from our group which is the topic of sex education. It was an interesting topic that challenged my bottom line of sex topic. I and my group member rehearsed about three and four times so that we managed to present the topic in front of our classmates.

          During the period of rehearsal we have fun together and discuss a lot about sex education. I believed that nowadays Asian parents are too conservative to share their sex knowledge with their child. They should be competent to tell their child of sex education. This is to prevent their child from being too ignorance and naive. They will be cheated easily by their bad friends and led to a negative behavior such as having one night stand with a strangers.

          In our role-play, we demonstrated the scene of watching sex video which is in fact that it is the way of  nowadays children to learn about sex. Their parents did not tell them much about sex and caused them to learn about sex in their own comfortable way. They can teach their children in a non-verbal way such as buying books for them to learn about their body in a more scientific way. They will learn of the internal organs such as vagina, penis, and the term of sex intercourse.

         Besides that, nowadays parent should tell their child to use protection when having sex. This is to prevent their daughter to get pregnant easily. They will feel regret if they cannot take the responsibility because bearing a child is not easy.  They can use condom or birth control pill to prevent them from get pregnancy.

         In addition, I can accept a girl that losses her virginity to become my wife. She must be a loyal person and not like those playful girl that having sex easily with other guy. This is because I scare to get HIV or AIDS and I still want to enjoy my life for longer period. However, girls should try to preserve her virginity and save it for the guy that worth of it.

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